Manaslu Trek in October

  • Raj Kumar Khadka
  • Last Updated on Jun 6, 2024

Manaslu circuit Trek in October

Manaslu Trek is one of the prominent trekking sites of Nepal that takes you to the heartland of the 8th tallest mountain in the world, Mt. Manaslu (8163m). This is an ideal opportunity to indulge in the magical beauty of Mt. Manaslu, which lies in the western central part of the Gorka district of Nepal. It is one of the best off-beaten paths in Nepal that has alot to offer. This magnificent trekking journey presents diverse topography, distinct Himalayan settlements, pristine mountainous range, diverse ethnic communities, and exploration of the Manaslu Conservation Area.

While the Manaslu Circuit Trek is a mesmerizing way to seek mountainous beauty and explore the Himalayan settlements, the trekking experience can be enhanced thrice if planned at a suitable time. A suitable time refers to planning the trek during such seasons when the climatic conditions tend to stay stable. The suitable time for the Manaslu Trek can be considered as Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November). Both seasons are ideal to embark on the Manaslu Trek but the recent reviews from numerous of our clients said the journey is perfect to hop on during September or October.

The Manaslu Trek in October is an absolute opportunity to head for a hassle-free journey and enjoy the clear and unobstructed beauty of the Himalayan vistas. The Manaslu Trek in October takes you through a cluster of sightseeing places like Arughat, Soti Khola, Machha Khola, Jagat, Deng, Ghap, Lho Gaon, Sama Gaon, Samdo and Dharmasala while presenting you outstanding mountainous beauty and unshakeable trekking experience. The journey further stretches towards Bimthang by crossing the highest point of this trek, Larkya La Pass, which stands at an altitude of 5106m. The journey concludes with a scenic drive from Dharapani to Kathmandu or can be extended with Annapurna Circuit Trek from Dharapani.

Table of Contents

Major Highlights of the Manaslu Trek in October

Manaslu trek in october

  • Breathtaking views of the 8th tallest mountain in the world, Mt. Manaslu (8163)

  • Stunning mountainous landscapes of Himlung Himal, Annapurna massifs, Ngadi Chuli, Ganesh Himal, Lamjung, Cheo Himal, Gyaji Kung, Kang Guru, and many more

  • Riveting journey to the highest point of this trek, Larkya La Pass (5106m)

  • Journey through culturally rich village settlements like Jagat, Deng, Namrung, Samagaon, Samdo and many more

  • Himalayan lifestyle and Buddhist cultures
  • Exploration of Budhi Gandaki Valley and journey through Manaslu Conservation Area
  • Numerous monasteries like Kargyu-Pemba Chholing Gompa, Labrang Gompa, Pungyen Nunnery, and many more
  • Journey through the distinct flora of the region and glimpses of Himalayan wild species like Red Panda, Himalayan Tahr, Monkey, and Snow leopards
  • Gurung, Magar, and Tamang settlements and their heartwarming cultures
  • Journey through soaring rivers, torrential waterfalls, glaciers, elevated hills, suspension bridges, greenery valleys and others
  • Delectable cuisines and warm hospitality

What it's like to embark on the Manaslu Trek in October?

Manaslu Trek in September

Autumn arrives by bidding farewell to Monsoon, and there can still be effects of Monsoon in the early half of September, which is why October remains a perfect option to embark on the journey to the base camp of Mt. Manaslu in a safe and secure way. During this time, the climatic conditions of the region tend to remain stable, and this presents you with a smooth and enjoyable trekking experience. The ideal weather and temperature of the region during October alleviate majorities of challenges like rainfall, windstorms, floods, landslides, extreme coldness, and many others, and this ultimately provides you with a wonderful obstacle free experience.

In addition, by embarking on the Manaslu Trek in October, you’ll catch the magnificent beauty of Mt. Manaslu, Himlung Himal, Annapurna massifs, Ngadi Chuli, Ganesh Himal, Lamjung, Cheo Himal, and many more along with magical glimpses of rivers, tranquil lakes, cascading waterfalls, and diverse greenery valleys. Along with that, October showers you with a bright and cozy atmosphere that makes trekking easier and guarantees your comfort. Moreover, it expands the space for the cultural and festive atmosphere. Trekking to Manaslu Base Camp in October offers a wealth of adventure, tradition, culture, and natural beauty, as well as a rural society that reflects the way of life of the ancient Tibetans.

Why Manaslu Trek in October?

Top 10 Reason to Choose Manaslu Circuit Trek

Breathtaking views

The Manaslu Trek in October presents you with the clear and unobstructed beauty of the Himalayan vistas. It is a weeks-long trek that presents you with the magical beauty of the Himalayas. Along the journey, you’ll pass through numerous sightseeing places like Jagat, Deng, Samdo, Dharamsala, and Larkya La Pass, which provides you with spectacular views of Mt. Manaslu, Himlung Himal, Ganesh Himal, Annapurna, Cheo Himal and Ngadi Chuli. With each step taken forward, you’ll reach closer to facetime the majestic mountains of this region.

On top of that, the journey itself takes you through a cluster of places that offers you stunning sights of soaring rivers, cascading waterfalls, glaciers, lakes, greenery valleys, elevated hills, and glimpses of the Himalayan flora and fauna along with the beauty of the distinct Himalayan settlements. Moreover, planning the Manaslu Trek in October will let you enjoy the beauty of the Himalayan in peace with no hassle and obstcales along the way. October lies in the Autumn season, and this summons a vibrant atmosphere around while you can catch stunning sunrise views glancing upon the Himalayan vistas.

Ideal weather

Another major reason for embarking on the Manaslu Trek in October is that the climatic conditions of the region tend to remain stable. With stable climatic conditions, you’ll be able to enjoy the magical journey in peace with no challenges along the way. The high Himalayan trekking is wonderful, but it comes along with major challenges along the way. The fluctuating weather and temperature in the region pose challenges like rainfall, snowfall, windstorms, summoning of blood-sucking insects, and extreme coldness along with possessing risk of flood, landslides, and avalanches.

Moreover, extreme coldness can result in hypothermia and frostbite in the Himalayan region, which can pose a threat or lead to minor injuries and sickness along the way. The journey demands trekking above 5000m, and it comes along with the risks of physical difficulties like leg pain, joint pain, and back pain, and the risk of fluctuating weather, like slippery tracks, can lead to injuries and falls, which are mostly alleviated by planning the trek in October. October lets you enjoy the crisp mountain in peace while assuring you a safe, secure, and enjoyable experience.

Cultural immersion and festive atmosphere

This trek takes you through a cluster of Himalayan settlements of Gurung, Magar, Tamang, and Tibetan communities. The journey is full of cultural exploration. The region is blended with regions and has its own religious beliefs. The lower part of the Manaslu region is Hinduism, while the upper region is Buddhist. You’ll start your Manaslu Trek from Arughat, Machha Khola, and Jagat, where Hindus can be found dominating all the way to the upper regions like Samagaon, Samdo, and Larkya La Pass, where Buddhist practices are common.

Exploring these settlements will give you an opportunity to immerse in the distinct culture of Nepal and you will be able to gain insights into the Himalayan lifestyle and different festivals of the country. In addition, Samagaon and Samdo encompass numerous monasteries, chortens, mani walls, and significant religious landmarks. Along with that, October holds one of the major festivals of Nepal, Dashain, along with the Maiden Festival of the Tibetan community. You’ll get to delve into the festive atmosphere while trekking to the heartland of Mt. Manaslu.

Riveting adventure

The Manaslu Trek is beautiful and exciting, and at the same time, it challenges your dedication and passion for the Himalayan trekking adventure. The journey is moderately challenging, and it demands strong physical strength, mental resilience, and sheer determination. During your Manaslu Trek in October, you'll be passing through tough routes, challenging terrain, deep woods, and high mountain passes. The journey through navigating the difficult pathways will require your keen attention, hiking skills, physical strength, and strong determination to reach the highest point of this trek by conquering the forthcoming challenges pump your adrenaline.

Whether it be traversing high suspension bridges over soaring rivers, ascending along rugged terrain, or challenging yourself with steep ascents and descents, it is an exciting experience. Once again, the Manaslu Trek is not a short walk to the park, and it demands days of involvement in trekking and navigating while being mindful of risks of climatic conditions, altitude sickness, or injuries along the way. By the end of this journey, you’ll not only capture the stunning Himalayan beauty but also instill tranquility within and develop a peaceful connection with nature. The riveting journey serves you with excellent mountainous landscapes and rewards you with personal growth and a great sense of accomplishment.

Challenges and Necessary Preparations of Manaslu Trek in October

Challenges and Necessary Preparations of Manaslu Trek in October

ChallengesDescriptionPreventive Measures and Necessary Preparations
High Altitude

Ascending in altitude results in changing atmospheric pressure and decreasing oxygen levels. If a body can't adapt to such changes, it is prone to Altitude sickness.

Symptoms of altitude sickness include headache, nausea, loss of appetite, insomnia, and reduced coordination and performance.

If not taken care of, it can result in extreme conditions like high-altitude cerebraledema (HACE) and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE).

It is necessary to maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated to let your body deal with the sickness.

The Manaslu Trek takes you to an extreme altitude of 5106m and it is essential to maintain a steady pace while ascending and also take necessary acclimatization along the way.

If you catch altitude sickness, it is important to descend to a lower altitude and take a rest. You can treat yourself to warm food and a dose of diamox.

In case the sickness worsens, you’ll be evacuated by helicopter.

Physical Difficulties

The Manaslu Trek takes you through challenging terrains, rugged trails, and high mountain passes. The journey can lead to extreme tiredness along the way.

The challenging journey can impose risks like back pain, leg pain, joint pain, and the body’s instability.

The tired body can lose the sense of coordination, and this can result in minor injuries or falls along the way.

The necessary preparations for these include necessary physical training and proper packing.

Consider practicing lightweight exercises like squats, deadlifts, pushups, chin-ups, crunches, planks, and others to enhance the productivity of muscles and increase strength.

Consider practicing cardiovascular exercises like running, jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, and others to maintain the productivity of the body and enhance endurance.

Consider practicing stretching exercises and Yoga to enhance the flexibility of the body.

What is more, being equipped with necessary gear like trekking poles and gaiters is important.

Sudden Weather Fluctuations

The climatic conditions of the high Himalayan region can fluctuate despite the selection of suitable times. It is important to be mindful of such as these can bring challenges along the way.

Rainfall, snowfall, windstorms, and slippery tracks are the challenges you may face along the way.

You’ll have to navigate the challenging terrain while being alert for floods and landslides.

The high-altitude region can impose extreme coldness that can result in hypothermia and frostbite.

The route can summon blood-sucking insects like leeches.

To deal with climatic fluctuations, it's better to be equipped with the necessary gear and clothing.

Even if you are trekking in October, it is important to pack with both winter and summer clothes.

Pack additional pairs to each and add waterproof jackets, windsweater and mitten gloves.

Hiring an experienced guide and porters will help in navigating the climatic challenges along the way.

Communicate locally and check the weather forecast before heading for the journey.

Be alert to the risk-prone areas while not completely being driven by mountainous beauty.

Limited Services

The region encompasses rural settlements and is deprived of standard city facilities.

There will be no internet services as you ascend higher. Some teahouses may give you access to wifi on an hourly basis, but it is better not to expect high-speed connectivity.

The region has no major healthcare centers and hospitals.

It is important to bring along necessary items for you all along.

Be mindful of the limited services of the region and bring along a powerbank and extra batteries.

You can bring the necessary toiletries along with you as the region can be deprived of such facilities.

Be sure to bring a water bottle, snacks, and energy drinks

Carry first aiditems with basic knowledge of their uses.

Planning the journey: Manaslu Trek in October

Manaslu Trek in September

Step 1: Extensive research

Before planning on the Manaslu Trek, it is important to research the route, challenges and necessary preparations for the trek. Consider challenging factors and research the trek in different months. After selecting a suitable time for the journey, you can research how the trek will be in that particular month. You can ask known people who went trekking or check reviews through numerous websites. You can directly message many trekking sites and get an understanding of the trek.

Step 2: Selection of a suitable trekking agent

After you decide to pursue the Manaslu Trek in October, it is important to select a suitable and licensed trekking agent. There are numerous trekking agents available online, and choosing one can be quite challenging. But one helpful tip is to look after the package available. It includes what the package includes, how well-planned the itinerary is, how the voices of past trekkers from that particular trekking company are, etc. Look over the profile of the company and be mindful of checking the guides and operating team. It will give you an idea of how organized and reputed the company is. For any bookings or queries, you can always contact us through our website,

Step 3: Necessary training

After the selection of a suitable agent, you’ll get insights into the overview of the trekking journey. You’ll get an idea of how long the trek will be and know the route of the journey. After the selection of a well-planned itinerary, you’ll continue with the necessary preparations for the trekking. The trekking journey can lead to physical difficulties while you have to conquer the forthcoming challenges along the way. It is important to take 3-4 weeks to train the body with weightlifting and cardiovascular exercise. This will help in overcoming the obstacles during the trekking journey, and you will have a safe, secure, and amusing experience.

Step 4: Proper packing

This is the fourth step in embarking on the Manaslu Trek in October. While planning the trek during a suitable time will let you have a safe journey without any issues along the way, it is always important to be mindful of the climatic conditions of the high Himalayan region that can fluctuate at any time. Consider the strenuous journey for about 2 weeks and pack with heavy clothes that will cover you on both warm and cold days. Along with that, be equipped with necessary trekking gear, first aid, toiletries, and travel documents like Passport, Passport-sized photos, and Travel Insurance.

Step 5: Hop on the journey

After you’re done with all the options above, wait for your Visa date and embark on the journey to Nepal. You’ll be picked up by our team members from Tribhuwan International Airport. The journey will begin the next day after you get proper rest. You’ll catch a drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola, and from there, you’ll begin your trekking adventure. The staggering moments have arrived, and relish the magical beauty of the Himalayas while on a riveting adventure to the heartland of Mt. Manaslu, the highest point of this trek, Larkya La Pass.

Short and Easy Treks In Nepal:

Some helpful tips for Manaslu Trek in October

Some helpful tips for Manaslu Trek in October

  • Stay in a group, and don’t head anywhere alone
  • Stay hydrated and consume healthy and nutrient foods
  • Do not approach wild species alone
  • Be attentive during your journey
  • Seek advice from your guides and walk alongside him
  • Practice strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol during the journey
  • Hire porters as it will relieve load from your back
  • Bring cash to the trek, as you won’t have access to ATMs in the Himalayan region
  • Respect local culture, traditions, and festivals
  • Book your trekking journey through a reputed and experienced trekking company
  • Be mindful of the sickness and injuries and carry along first aid items
  • If you have spare time, Join Annapurna Circuit Trek as well
  • Even though October is an ideal month, pack your back with both summer and winter clothes.

Gain Insights On:


By embarking on the Manaslu Trek in October, you will be able to enlighten yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. The journey is blended with Himalayan exploration, mountain sightseeing, and cultural immersion. Along with that, the riveting journey balances your enthusiasm and uplifts your physical strength and sheer determination. By the end of this wonderful journey, you’ll instill tranquility within and develop a sustainable connection with nature. This is a once-in-a-lifetime journey packed with rip-roaring activities, magical sightseeing, and wonderful exploration. By the end of this journey, yo will be able to attain peace, personal growth, and mental development, and will be rewarded with a great sense of achievement.

Raj Kumar Khadka

Raj Kumar Khadka

Raj Kumar was born and raised in the mountain town of Gorkha. He is an enthusiastic traveler who enjoys discovering new places. His passion for exploration knows no bounds, driving him to seek out new trails and experiences. He has successfully traveled and explored most of the trekking routes in Nepal, mastering their intricacies. 

Raj Kumar started his career as a guide at the end of the year 2006. His dedication to this field has been unwavering, surpassing 17 years and counting. He established his own company, Green Society Adventure, in 2013, fueled by his expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. He has a vision to share the beauty of Nepal’s landscapes and cultures to the world. As both a guide and a leader, he inspires people to explore the world with curiosity and respect.

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