Why Choose Spring And Autumn as Best Months for Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek?

  • Raj Kumar Khadka
  • Last Updated on Apr 11, 2024

Why Choose Spring And Autumn Months for Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek

When it comes to experiencing the Himalayan lifestyle while exploring numerous sights along the way, Nepal is the best destination to consider. Nepal, being rich in natural beauty and situated in the lap of the Himalayas presents you with multiple trekking options to different parts of the Himalayan region. Out of all the present trekking sites, Annapurna Circuit Trek is considered one of the mainstream trekking sites where innumerable people from all around the world seek to get captivated by the majestic beauty of the Annapurna region. Blended with the beauty of the Himalayas, astounding mountainous landscapes, local settlements, distinct cultures, and Himalayan settlements, this trek offers you a delightful and enduring experience and lifelong memories to remember. This trek beholds the staggering beauty of the 10th tallest mountain in the world, Mt. Annapurna, which stands at a height of 8091m while its wings proliferate across miles.

While Annapurna Circuit Trek is itself fascinating through exploring clusters of mountains, sightseeing bunches of scenic beauty, and passing along the action-packed terrains, combining the trek with Tilicho Lake Trek magnifies your trekking experience by triple.

Annapurna Circuitwith Tilicho Lake Trek takes you to the lap of the Annapurna range and the heart of Tilicho Lake (4,949m), where the magical beauty of the Himalayan range and stunning mountainous landscapes are accessible. Along with that, encountering numerous scenic beauty of the elevated hills, local Himalayan settlements, diverse topography, cascading waterfalls, thundering rivers, and tranquil Tilicho Lake enhances your trekking enthusiasm.

As the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek has numerous stopovers and viewpoints along the way, you’ll witness the astounding beauty of the Annapurna range and other gigantic mountains like Dhaulagiri, Tilicho, Manaslu, Tukuche, Ganga Purna,Machapuchhre, Pisang Peak and many more. This trek takes you through a series of rugged trails and challenging terrain before reaching the Thorung La Pass (5,416m) and the bank of Tilicho Lake (4,949m) which delivers you a stirring journey.

Relishing the stunning beauty of the Himalayas is fun while exploring local settlements and cultures gives you insights into the Himalayan lifestyle. You shall explore the Tibetan settlements and visit numerous monasteries and mani walls along the way. This enhances your trekking experience by adding the religious and cultural aspects to the trek to the lap of nature. You shall witness the traditional way of living of the people of this region while they welcome you with warm hospitality. The beauty of Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek is magnificent, and the journey itself is rip-roaring.

While the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek is an interesting and amusing journey, planning your trek during a suitable time intensifies your trekking experience by providing you with clear weather and minimizing any forthcoming hurdles. The best time for planning your Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek is during Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November). During this time, you’ll be treated with favorable weather and clear, unobstructed views of the Himalayas. Moreover, Spring and Autumn do not deal with weather fluctuations, heavy rainfall, and windstorms, which eases your trekking journey. It clears the route and gives you a safe, secure, and amazing trekking experience.

Table of Contents

Highlights of the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek

  • Majestic views of the Annapurna along with Dhaulagiri, Tilicho, Manaslu, Tukuche, Ganga Purna,Lamjung Himal, Machapuchhre, Pisang Peak and many more
  • Trekking journey through trails within the Annapurna Conservation Area
  • Thorang La Pass, the highest point of this trek at an altitude of 5416m
  • Trek to the 2nd highest lake in the world, Tilicho Lake, which is at an altitude of 4,949m
  • Gushing waterfalls, lush green forests, meadows, magical glaciers, suspension bridges, and many more
  • Trishuli and Marsyangdi River along the way
  • Distinct Himalayan flora and fauna
  • Himalayan lifestyle and Himalayan culture
  • Many mani walls and monasteries, especially Barge Monastery
  • Deepest gorge in the world, Kali Gandaki gorge
  • Manang district and Muktinath Temple
  • Hot water springs of Tatopani
  • Warm hospitality and delectable cuisines

Best Time for Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek

Tilicho Lake Trekking | Route Map | Cost | Review | Base Camp Adventure

While the beauty of the Annapurna region pertains throughout the year, considering a trek during a suitable time gives you access to the clear and transparent beauty of the region. Suitable weather creates a pleasant atmosphere around you and magnifies your secure and enjoyable experience. Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek provides you with stunning sights of the mountainous vistas, and trekking during suitable seasons minimizes any forthcoming challenges. This ensures you a safe journey and you can relish the beauty of the Annapurna range and Tilicho Lake without any difficulties along the way.

On top of that, suitable seasons reduce foggy weather, ensure clear visibility, and minimize risks of landslides and floods in the high Himalayan region. This offers you additional room to explore the majestic sights while enhancing your enthusiasm within. Blooming flowers and lush green forests shall dance with the whipping wind of the Himalayas and unfold the hidden beauty of the region. While the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek can be done all around the year, Spring and Autumn are considered to be the best. During this time, you shall unfold the hidden beauty of the Himalayan region without any delay or postponement in your trekking journey.

Why Choose Spring And Autumn Months for Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek?

Annapurna Circuit Trek | Route | Cost | Itinerary | Base Camp Adventure

Clear and unobstructed views

The best time for Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek is during Spring and Autumn as it presents you with clear and unobstructed views of the mountains. Spring and Autumn summons pleasing weather with less chance of precipitation and windstorms, which smoothes your trekking journey with no difficulties.

During Spring and Autumn, a clear day summons naked picturesque views of the mountain range and snowy landscapes. During this time, you won’t face climatic issues during your trekking, and your journey shall go smoothly without many challenges along the way. On top of that, you’ll witness a magical sunrise glancing upon the snowy peaks while the tranquil lake dances and reflects the clear blue sky and surrounding Himalayan vistas.

Since the beginning of your trekking journey, you’ll witness magical views along the way. You’ll pass through the soaring Trishuli River after we leave Kathmandu Valley and sightsee scenic views of the elevated hills, lush green forests, and local settlements. As Spring and Autumn emerge clear and pleasant weather, you’ll also be able to see the distant mountainous landscapes.

Then, this trek takes you to Dharapani from Kathmandu with a drive-through, and you’ll begin your trekking through Chame, Pisang, and Manang to Tilicho Base Camp, which serves as excellent viewpoints to relish the beauty of the Himalayan region. As the weather will be clear and bright, you’ll be astonished after seeing the majestic reflections of the snowy vistas on the tranquil surface of Tilicho Lake.

You’ll begin your trek alongside the thundering Marsyangdi River and through the trails, bushes, and forests to reach the highest point of the trek, Thorang La Pass. From there, you’ll sightsee transparent stunning views of Annapurna and numerous surrounding peaks of Dhaulagiri, Tilicho, Manaslu, Tukuche, Ganga Purna,Lamjung Himal, Machapuchhre, Pisang Peak.

Ideal Weather

The weather in the Himalayan region is cold and fluctuating and can get worse during winter. While the Himalayan region deals with dynamic weather, Spring and Autumn are ideal seasons to consider Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek, as it summons clear weather and a warm temperature. During this time, you’ll be less likely to encounter rainfall and its impacts, like muddy and slippery tracks. It ensures you clear visibility of the region and upgrades your Himalayan adventure with no issues. Meanwhile, you’ll relish the visually stunning Himalayan vistas when the atmosphere is mild and pleasant. Ideal weather summons clear sky and adds depth to the beauty of the Himalayan region.

Although the trek demands physical strength and mental resilience, the unaltered outstanding views of the mountainous range during this time act as fuel to your enthusiasm. Ideal weather also reduces the risks of landslides and floods in the upper mountainous region. You’ll be less likely to encounter blood-sucking insects on the way and it reduces the risks of facing forthcoming challenges like snowy trails and extreme coldness while making your journey easier to navigate the path. While the temperature rises and makes it hot during the day, the nighttime is generally colder. You’ll be experiencing unaltered and stable climatic conditions during this time which ensures you a peaceful and excellent time with nature.

While Spring and Autumn are the best seasons to consider for trekking, the only downside of this trek during this time is the number of adventurer souls passing. It can get busy and crowded as the favorable weather invites many trekkers and travelers from all around the world, but confirming your secure and wonderful experience without any disturbances is our foremost priority. You’ll be enjoying the Himalayan beauty with first-class facilities and facing fewer challenges on the way. Though the weather is pleasant and stable during Spring and Autumn, it's always best to be prepared for any uncertain changes and pack your backpack accordingly.

Safe and secure pathway

Being a moderately difficult trek, the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek demands physical strength and determination as there may come numerous obstacles along the way. This trek takes you to the extreme altitude of Thorang La Pass and Tilicho Lake, and along the way, you’ll face challenging terrain, steep ridges, and rugged trails. On top of that, the trails can be muddy, slippery, and snowy during the offseason and impose difficulties along the way. This is the reason for choosing the trek during a suitable time, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience to the lap of Annapurna. During the Spring and Autumn seasons, you’ll be less likely to encounter rainfall and won’t have to deal with slippery and muddy tracks.

Furthermore, you’ll earn attentive sight through clear visibility and can relish the beauty of the mountains while observing the steep ridges. You won’t face climatic fluctuations and heavy windstorms on your way. Any red zone or landslide-prone areas can be observed clearly, and precautions can be taken. The path to the Annapurna region is safe during the Spring and Autumn seasons with no risks of cancellation or postponement. Moreover, during Spring, the daylight hours are long, and the pathways will be visible for longer periods and open doors to multiple explorations. This lets you explore a wide range of Himalayan areas, immerse in local settlements, and connect with nature through a peaceful time spent.

Cultural ambience and Festive atmosphere

Exploring different Himalayan settlements, sightseeing the majestic mountains, and trekking to the 2nd highest lake in the world is truly astounding, while the experience shall be enhanced by double through immersion in local culture and festive atmosphere. Planning your trek during Spring and Autumn provides you with a delightful opportunity to experience diverse cultures and festivals. Experiencing different customs, engaging yourself in the local festivals and sightseeing traditional dances shall give you insights into the cultural variation.

Spring holds one major festival of the upper Mustang region, Tiji. This is a 3-day festival that takes place in the king's palace in the upper region of Mustang. This festival demonstrates Tibetan culture, where numerous people gather in well-dressed Tibetan costumes and celebrate the festivals together by performing ceremonial dances. Experiencing such traditions gives you insights into the diversification of Nepal in ethnicity.

Similarly, Autumn is another season for festivals in Nepal, and major festivals like Dashain, Tihar, and Mani Rimdu fall under this time. During this time, you shall experience vast Nepalese culture and engage in the festive ambiance. You shall relish the beauty of the Himalayan vistas while taking blessings from elders of the region. Dashain invites enthusiasm among all the people of Nepal, making it a pleasant time to trek.

As the Dashain atmosphere starts to dwindle, you’ll experience another renowned festival, Tihar. Tihar is also known as the festival of lights, and you shall experience the villages decorated in lights while the villagers garnished with traditional clothes. They perform traditional dances to the local songs and cook numerous delectable cuisines like Sel Roti, Fini Roti, Lakhamari, and so on.

The festivals are followed by Mani Rimdu where ceremonial celebrations are done through cultural dances to traditional musics. During this time, you’ll enjoy the magical beauty of the Himalayas while also exploring local cultures and trying delicious cuisines. The trek to the Annapurna and Tilicho Lake is really phenomenal as immersing in the beauty of the mountains while experiencing local cultures and festivals presents you with a once-in-a-lifetimeexperience.

Himalayan Lifestyle

This is another best reason for you to consider trekking during the Spring and Autumn months. The lifestyle of the Himalayan region is unique as it is deprived of standard city facilities. The people of this region depend upon agriculture, animal husbandry, farming, and tourism as their socio-economic life. Spring, being the crucial time for agriculture in the Himalayan region, invites greenery all around the region. During this time, you’ll witness agriculture farming, sowing seeds, and preparing lands for cultivation.

You’ll encounter farmers engaging in plunging fields, making them suitable and fertile for crop cultivation of wheat, rice, barley, and others. Along with that, you’ll sightsee the majestic mountains standing tall above the grazing sheep, yaks, goats, and cows that give you a glimpse of the Himalayan lifestyle. In the same way, the Autumn season marks the harvesting season, and you’ll encounter farmers engaging in the field harvesting the crops. During this time, the hills and forests of the region come to life with an oozing vibrant atmosphere all around. Furthermore, you’ll witness a nature-dependent lifestyle and Himalayan people showing unity and collaboration in each other cultures and festivals while living under the same mountainous roof and breathing in the same breeze is truly astounding.

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Weather and Temperature of Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek in Spring and Autumn

Best Time For Annapurna Circuit Trek | Difficulty | Itinerary | Tips and Facts

Spring is the peak season and invites greenery and blooming flowers during this time. The climate will be moderate with less chance of rainfall, and clear days project sun all around the Himalayan region. The average temperature of the Annapurna region during spring ranges from 10-20 degrees Celsius in the lower area, and the higher region ranges from 0-15 degreesCelsius. As you ascend in altitude, you’ll feel the temperature dropping while the weather is dry and sunny. If you’re considering your trek to the Annapurna region during spring, it's best to look after the temperature and climate of the region and pack summer clothes as well.

On the other hand, September, October, and November are the best months to consider your trekking journey to the Himalayan region. During this time, the temperature and weather are moderate, and the sky is clear during the day. The temperature generally ranges from 4-17degrees Celsius, while the higher region like Thorang La Pass can possess negative temperatures up to -5 degrees Celsius. While the day is warm with moderate weather, nighttime summons coldness, for which you need to pack winter clothes as well. The high Himalayan region’s weather can fluctuate, and it is best to be equipped with proper gear and clothes.

Safety Considerations for the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trek in Spring and Autumn

Annapurna Circuit Trek Difficulty

Here are some helpful tips for you if you’re planning for the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho LakeTrek in Spring and Autumn:

  • Despite the weather being stable, be mindful of the uncertainties and pack both winter and summer clothes
  • Ascend at a steady pace and acclimatize properly
  • Stay hydrated and be mindful of altitude sickness as this trek takes to Thorang La Pass, which stands at an altitude of 5,416m
  • Consumer healthy foods
  • Carry first aid items along with you and know the basics of their use
  • Be mindful of bringing Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) and Diamox (for altitude sickness)
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Be mindful of landslide-prone areas and be attentive
  • Even though the trek is moderate level in terms of difficulty, carry along trekking poles and trekking boots
  • Practice lightweight exercises and cardiovascular exercises
  • Hire an experienced guide and extra porters
  • Do not approach anywhere alone and walk in groups
  • Respect cultures, locals, and rules and regulations
  • Even though the weather is steady, carry along water-proof and windproof jackets
  • Be equipped with the necessary gears and tools
  • Bring along nutrient snacks and energy drinks
  • Interact with the local community and explore Himalayan sites
Raj Kumar Khadka

Raj Kumar Khadka

Raj Kumar was born and raised in the mountain town of Gorkha. He is an enthusiastic traveler who enjoys discovering new places. His passion for exploration knows no bounds, driving him to seek out new trails and experiences. He has successfully traveled and explored most of the trekking routes in Nepal, mastering their intricacies. 

Raj Kumar started his career as a guide at the end of the year 2006. His dedication to this field has been unwavering, surpassing 17 years and counting. He established his own company, Green Society Adventure, in 2013, fueled by his expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. He has a vision to share the beauty of Nepal’s landscapes and cultures to the world. As both a guide and a leader, he inspires people to explore the world with curiosity and respect.

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